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| Naslov: Top 10 Professions Japanese Men/Woman Most Want to Date Pon Jun 07, 2010 4:06 pm | |
| Men: - Sankaku Complex ::
- Japanese men asked what profession they would most like to date give a rather depressing but not altogether unexpected list of costume fetishes and sexual fantasies, in stark contrast to the female list of glamourous top earners…
The ranking: 1. Model 2. Nurse 3. Stewardess 4. Entertainer 5. Childcare worker 6. Beautician 7. Seiyuu 8. Fashion related 9. Doctor 10. Hostess
Fortunately, “schoolgirl” appears not to have been a choice. The least sought after were politicians, IT workers and consultants, along with any other positions of power, wealth or authority.
Just as women were most interested in the top earners, it seems men have an even more focused interest in the professions they perceive as more attractive, which is precisely the cleft in preferences predicted in most sociological research… sourceWomen: - Sankaku Complex ::
- When asked “what profession would you most like to try dating?” Japanese women gave a less than surprising list of the most glamourous and lucrative professions they could think of, apparently supporting the all but universally held notion that material wealth is the key to success with the ladies…
The ranking: 1. Doctor 2. Pilot 3. Comedian/”talent” 4. Entertainer 5. Lawyer 6. Working in the mass media 7. Manager 8. Working at a big manufacturer 9. Civil servant 10. Musician
Even politicians and academics found themselves languishing at the bottom of the list, showing perhaps that high status is not as desirable as high salary; a poor showing by financial professionals, also at the bottom, is probably a reflection of the lately less than stable nature of this industry… sourcewell well |